Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Isn't life grand???

This week has been STRESSFUL!!!

Lots of personal family issues, plus lots of work-related urgent projects, plus trying to get everything together since I'm going out of town next weekend - which means LOTS of phone calls for wedding related meetings, events, etc. In short, I am swamped!

And stress doesn't bode well on my workout regime. I've been kind of skimping lately. I am trying to stay as active as I can & I've been doing lots of silly little things
(e.g., doing squats as I'm brushing my teeth, dancing in the stand-up tanning bed instead of just standing there, taking Rocky for longer walks instead of just standing waiting for him to do his business and rush back inside). But, in terms of actual workouts - well, I'm not doing that great.

But, stress has its upsides - I've barely been able to eat the last couple days! Today I stepped on the scale and found it down an entire pound from Monday's weigh-in! Hopefully I'm not loosing muscle mass!!!

This is really what this blog is all about - fitness in the real world! And let me tell you, it's not easy! That's why I started my workout challenge during the summer months, so that I'd have a little more time available. Well, time is again a precious commodity & I have to be better about forcing myself to find time to work out.

This evening I'm planning on doing a long evening walk with Chris & Rocky after dinner. Thursday I'll hit up the apartment gym. Friday I'm helping some friends move, which I think counts as my exercise for the day since they're moving from a second story apartment into another second-floor apartment (lots of arm work & leg work!)

Lets hope I can keep it together!! Only another week and 2 days until my bridal portraits. I'm not allowing myself ANY soda until then, and next week I'm going to really watch my salt intake so my body won't be retaining water weight.

That's it for now - got to get back to work!!!

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