Thursday, July 22, 2010

Day 30!!!!

Today was day 30 of my 30-day summer workout challenge.

I'd challenged myself to work out every day for thirty days & I've told the transformative story throughout the past four weeks.

So - the results are in.....

In the last 30 days, I've lost 2 pounds.
I know it's not much, and I'm ashamed of myself for not taking other measurements (like size around at waist, legs, arms, etc.; body caliper for % fat, etc.). But, I'm pretty sure I've been gaining muscle and loosing fat! I feel stronger, healthier, more energetic, and better just in general.

So what's your motivation? Mine is my upcoming wedding (and bridal portraits in just 2 weeks!)
So I actually started loosing weight several weeks ago (probably about 20 weeks or so - I've been documenting the last 16). In total I've lost 20 lbs! I'm back into all my old clothes that I haven't worn for at least a year or so. Woo hoo - nice not to have to buy new stuff! : )

So what's next?

long term -
I'm running my first half marathon in January
After that, I want to start training for my first triathalon

short term -
I want to try to loose a little more & keep toning up with weight training.

I've talked about how loosing too much weight too quickly causes your body to go into "starvation mode" So, here's what I'm thinking: I'm going to try to maintain weight for the next month and let my body acclimate to my new slightly smaller self.
Then, I fully intend to join a gym once the fall semester begins again & I'll again kick up the working out intensity to try to shed the final few pounds. I've been so anti-joining a gym but here's the deal: this is a new priority in my life. If you are also a "real world" girl who has a job and other responsibilities, you know how difficult it is to find time to work out. But why make it harder on yourself by not being a member of a gym? I still like to vary workouts, but a gym is a good trustee stand by. And it's totally worth the money. Tucson has cheap gyms (like $20/month). My health and fitness is worth way more than that!!!

Food Tip/Trick
I've recently started freezing stuff (bananas, strawberries, etc.) so I can save them before they go bad & use them in smoothies later. Here's my latest tip/trick:

You can make home-made froyo (frozen yogurt):
I always buy the big tubs of yogurt (both greek & regular) rather than little individual size portions. But, sometimes I don't use the whole thing before it's going to go bad. So - before it "turns", but when the expiration date is nearing, take the yogurt & grab your food processor.
Throw the yogurt (I usually buy plain or vanilla. This tastes better with greek yogurt, but it works with regular, too) into the food processor. Add some shredded coconut & whatever fruit you have on hand, chopped up (I've made different batches with black cherries, strawberries, blueberries, and even watermelon before - again, do it when the fruit is getting old, but before it "turns"). Blend up in food processor until smooth.

Then, pour mixture into ice-cube trays or mini-muffin pans (no tins) & freeze. Then, you can either add to smoothies OR if you are in the mood for some froyo, you can take them out & throw them back into the food processor. Add some milk & process until smooth (you can also add a touch of honey or agave nectar). Ta Da - Delicious!!!

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